Why the project has been initiated?

As part of its social responsibilities, AccèsBanque Madagascar has observed:

  • The gap that needs to be filled between newly graduates’ competence and the requirement of the professional world,
  • The true potentials of Malagasy students who often cannot finish their studies due to lack of financial resources

Who are the beneficiaries of the project ?

  • Students preparing their License, Master degrees
  • Students from low-income families
  • Hardworking students with good academic performance

How many beneficiaries?

  • Around 40 students per year

What is the project about ?

  • Relieving the cost of study through granting scholarship until the end of the beneficiaries’ university studies
  • Accompanying the integration of newly graduates into the professional world
  • Providing different trainings to complete skills acquired from the university according to their respective fields

Which are the university partners?

  • Private and public universities providing trainings related to the banking industry

What are the advantages for the beneficiaries?

  • Scholarship till the end of their university studies
  • Technical training, skills, etc…
  • Training on the banking activities
  • Internship within AccèsBanque Madagascar
  • Priority during recruitment
  • Participation in different events of AccèsBanque Madagascar
  • Grant holders’ community to exchange information and inform them of innovations within the bank
  • Easier access to the professional world